Course Overview: By taking the Utah and Florida CCW permits you can legally carry in over 30 states! Efforts are constantly underway to bring more states on as well! Utah CCW permits and Florida CCW permits are issued for “Self Defense.” The Utah CCW permit and the Florida CCW permit DO NOT allow you to carry a concealed firearm within the State of New York. Reciprocity and recognition of permits from state to state is a complex issue and periodically changes, therefore we cannot give legal advice on this matter. If you need accurate answers to specific legal questions, contact the state issuing authority or consult the Attorney General’s Office of the state in question. You will however, be educated in the laws of the State of Utah and the laws of the State of Florida that pertain to pistol possession and ownership.
EVERYTHING Is Included in Our Multi-State CCW Classes to obtain a Utah permit.
Our Multi-State class also qualifies for the Florida Permit
- You do not need to be a resident of Utah or Florida to apply!
- As a non-resident of either Utah or Florida you can carry in over 30 states
- Utah non-resident fee is only $47 and is good for 5 years! Renewal is only $15!
- Florida state fee is only $112 and is good for 7 years!
- Get either permit, or both, it’s completely up to you.
- You do not need to hold a NY State Pistol License to apply!
- Utah application with completion stamp issued by a Certified Utah Instructor
- Florida application packet
- Certificate of completion for Florida.
- Pre-addressed mailing envelopes for your application packets for both Utah & Florida
- Two 2″x 2″ passport quality photos
- Fingerprinting service for your Utah application
All State Required Instruction Including:
Basic firearm mechanics & operation
Concealed carry ammunition overview
Different types of concealed carry firearms
CCW general firearm safety
Utah Legal instruction including Justifiable Force, Citizen’s Arrest, Reciprocity, Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine, Alter Ego, firearm transportation, etc.
Concealed carry firearm storage & accessories overview (holsters, safes, etc.)
Criminal & Civil Liability
Escalation of Force
Firing stances and positions
If you have been considering getting a Concealed Carry Permit, now is the time to act. Currently the Utah CCW Permit is the MOST HONORED permit in all the nation, valid in 33 states and counting.
Our Concealed Carry Instructors are certified by the Utah Bureau of Criminal Identification to teach Utah Concealed Carry Permit Classes and by the National Rifle Association (NRA) to teach select NRA classes. Each instructor uses a uniform curriculum that covers vital Utah CCW info in addition to the state minimums.
The price of the course does not include the actual state specific license application fee. This must be paid separately by the applicant directly and must be submitted along with the application package to each state you are applying to.